Meetings & conferences on fantastic Ven
Most of us are used to running our businesses and communicating in an increasingly digitized everyday life, where people talk remotely with support systems and software, to ensure good deliveries and efficient progress. But sometimes we need to think outside the box and lift the team, each individual and the entire business with the future in focus. We need to step outside our comfort zone and into a freer environment, away from the daily routines and the urban noise. Into an environment where we are allowed to have very high ceilings to ensure straight forward communication.
Different types of meetings
Here on Ven, we offer you a creative and embracing environment where, regardless of the size of your group, you can both have fun whilst at the same time focusing on developing the innovative solutions that will take you stronger into the future with your team.
We are here to create a customized and unique experience. You can always call us on +46 (0)418 721 26 or simply fill out the form below. We respond quickly and get back to you with a proposition and price quote.
Meetings with us
The Management Team, the Board, the Small Project Team and the Working Group. We offer optimal opportunities when you want to work focused in a smaller tighter group. We also offer the opportunity to socialize in a unique ambiance and enjoy high quality meals during your stay.
Conferencing with us
The right location means almost everything when it comes to creating a successful conference. Technical equipment and size of rooms are basic factors that should always work out as planned. We offer unique environments here and over the island, dedicated staff and really good food.
Creative workshops
We humans are strongly influenced by the "spaces" we find ourselves in. When you want to foster new trains of thought, work closely and integrated together to create future solutions - choose our beautiful island, the old inn and all of our surroundings here as your creative stage.
An experience that promises fun and tightens the relationships with your group. We and our local partners offer a wide range of customized team building sessions and fun activities, with skilled leaders helping everyone all the way to the finish line.
There are many reasons to celebrate - birthdays, accomplishments, anniversaries, results and more. Together with us, you can create your very own thematic event and memorable experience.
Courses & seminars
Turistgården - House of Ven offers the peace and quiet needed for us to fully concentrate and learn. Here with us on Ven you can stay in a stimulating and creative environment that provides space for most learning activities.
In a completely different world
We feel the change in sensations as soon as we take our seat on the ferry. We find peace, balance and harmony within ourselves. We feel it approaching - our next destination. Fantastic Ven.